Can I Still Have a Baby If I Have Endometriosis?

Endometriosis can put you through a lot of pain, including painful menstrual periods and pelvic pain. Did you know that endometriosis can also damage your fertility?
If you have or have had endometriosis, and you want to become pregnant, talk to expert OBGYN Dr. Leonardo Longoria. Dr. Longoria and the team at Longoria OBGYN in El Paso, Texas, provide understanding, supportive care to patients before and during pregnancy.
Don’t give up on your baby dreams due to endometriosis. With the right care and treatment, healthy pregnancy after endometriosis is absolutely possible — and today’s fertility procedures may also be able to give your body the boost you need to successfully expand your family.
Understanding endometriosis
Your uterine lining, also known as the endometrium, builds up a nourishing home for a potential conception every month, getting ready to support all the developmental needs of a fetus in case of a pregnancy. During your monthly menstrual cycle, this tissue sheds, resulting in period bleeding. Then it’s time for your body to start the cycle all over again.
If you have endometriosis, your body produces endometrial tissue in locations outside of your uterus. You might have deposits of endometrial tissue in your ovaries, intestines, or pelvis. When you menstruate each month, these out-of-place deposits respond to hormonal changes, causing pain and potential health and fertility problems.
Endometriosis and your fertility
If endometriosis has damaged your ovaries and fallopian tubes, tissue or scarring buildups can prevent your eggs from making the full journey from your ovaries to your uterus. Endometriosis may also negatively affect the quality of your eggs in your ovarian reserve.
After about six months of trying to get pregnant without success, it’s time to talk to Dr. Longoria about the issue. He can use blood tests to learn more about the quality of your eggs. Egg freezing may be an option to protect your ovarian reserve.
Many treatments for endometriosis use birth control to regulate monthly hormonal changes and prevent further damage. But, if you want to get pregnant and have a baby, you may need to change your treatment strategy.
Pregnancy after endometriosis
Studies show that while pregnancy after endometriosis can be a challenge, it’s completely within the realm of possibility. Dr. Longoria can evaluate your reproductive system for endometriosis-related damage and help you determine the best way to achieve a healthy pregnancy.
Depending on your condition, you may be able to benefit from assistive reproductive techniques including:
- Fertility medications like progestins that increase your levels of pregnancy hormones
- Superovulation and intrauterine insemination (SO-IUI)
- In-vitro fertilization (IVF)
Women with endometriosis have a higher risk of pregnancy complications including preterm delivery, pre-eclampsia, and placenta previa, so the support of a knowledgeable OBGYN like Dr. Longoria is essential for your pregnancy if you’re living with endometriosis.
To learn more about having a baby after endometriosis, contact Longoria OBGYN today. Schedule your initial consultation over the phone or request your appointment online now.
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