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Is Essure® a Safe Birth Control Option?

Is Essure® a Safe Birth Control Option?

Being in control of your reproductive health is important for your physical, mental, and emotional wellness. There are many reasons why preventing unintended pregnancy is beneficial to you, your life, and the others who share it with you. 

At Longoria OBGYN of El Paso, Texas, Dr. Leonardo Longoria and his team share a strong commitment to women’s health, including birth control support.

Some people are interested in long-lasting birth control options such as the implanted Essure® contraceptive device, a long-lasting form of female birth control based on a set of metallic coils. Essure works effectively to prevent pregnancy, but concerns about potential complications caused the product to be officially discontinued in 2019.

Is Essure still safe for you to continue to use as birth control? Talk to Dr. Longoria about your concerns, and he can fill you in on potential problems with Essure, as well as information about removal options. The good news is that, even if you do need to have your Essure device removed, the sterilization effect remains, providing you with ongoing contraception.

Problems with Essure?

Essure coils were developed as a nonsurgical female sterilization technique. Not all people with implanted Essure coils experience related problems, but enough do that the product has been discontinued. If you experience issues often caused by Essure devices, your symptoms are likely to resolve after coil removal.

Essure can result in problems and symptoms including:

If your Essure device isn’t causing you any problems, it may be safe to leave it in place for the time being. If your Essure coils could be causing you to experience any of the above issues, Dr. Longoria may recommend removal, which might clear up your symptoms in as little as a few weeks.

Essure removal

Dr. Longoria is an expert in Essure device removal, a procedure that not all OBGYNs have previously performed. He understands the potential concerns related to an Essure device and can advise you on whether Essure is a safe birth control option for you.

If Dr. Longoria recommends removal, you may need an outpatient surgical salpingotomy or a more intensive hysterectomy procedure. Dr. Longoria ensures that your Essure removal procedure won’t leave any fragments of the device or coils inside your body, where they could continue to cause problems.

To learn more about your options for long-lasting birth control, or to discuss the effect your Essure device could be having on your health and wellness, get in touch with Dr. Longoria today. Schedule your consultation online, or call now to book an appointment.

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