Should You Have Your Essure Removed?

Do you have an EssureⓇ contraceptive? This device, made from a set of metallic coils, was placed in the fallopian tubes to provide permanent female sterilization.
The Essure device was discontinued in 2018, and some patients have reported problems with their devices. If you have Essure, you might be wondering if you should get yours removed to protect your reproductive health and overall wellness.
Our specialist at Longoria OBGYN, Dr. Leonardo Longoria, can advise you on the best way to proceed with your Essure device. If you decide that removal is best for you, Dr. Longoria and our team can help with that, as well. We offer a full range of women’s health services, including long-term contraceptive options.
Why could your Essure device cause problems?
The Essure device causes scarring that effectively blocks your fallopian tubes, preventing you from becoming pregnant.
The most commonly reported problem patients have with the Essure device is pelvic pain. After getting the Essure coils put in place, you might have heavy or irregular menstrual periods. You could feel pain during your periods or during intercourse, and you may even develop systemic joint pain symptoms related to your Essure device.
Should you get your Essure device removed?
Most patients with an Essure device don’t suffer from side effects as a result. However, if you’re experiencing discomfort, there’s a real chance that it could be related to your Essure coils. After consulting with Dr. Longoria and being thoroughly examined, you might decide that you’d rather have your device removed.
For women who do report discomfort, around one in three finds that getting Essure removed clears up the problem. And, even if you get your coils removed, the sterilization effects remain, continuing to prevent pregnancy. While Essure removal might not completely relieve your symptoms, it may improve your quality of life.
Essure removal options
Dr. Longoria uses surgical or hysteroscopic techniques to completely extract your coils during an Essure removal. A surgical removal procedure lasts for about 30-45 minutes, and can be performed on an outpatient basis. After about two weeks of recovery time, you should be healed from the Essure removal procedure.
In some cases, Dr. Longoria might suggest complete removal of your uterus, called a hysterectomy, to make sure that no pieces of the device remain inside your body.
To discuss your options for Essure removal, contact Longoria OBGYN today. You can book over the phone, or use the online tool to schedule an appointment at our office in El Paso, Texas.
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