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What Kind of Care Can I Expect After I Have My Baby?

What Kind of Care Can I Expect After I Have My Baby?

After months of hoping, waiting, and dreaming, your baby is finally here! But that doesn’t mean your life is any less transformed by your newborn’s needs. In place of pregnancy-related concerns, a whole new list of new-parent (or new-again parent) questions and care needs starts to take up more and more of your attention.

You’ve also recently gone through a major health experience, and your hormones are hyper-active. Your physical and mental health care needs are unique at this moment.

Dr. Leonardo Longoria and the Longoria OBGYN team provide top-quality care and support before, during, and after pregnancy and childbirth. Now that your baby has arrived, what can you expect from our team of obstetrics and gynecology experts? Here’s what our new and existing patients from around the El Paso, Texas, area can look forward to postpartum.

Physical care

Your body goes through a lot when giving birth, and it’s important for you to receive high-quality gynecological health care after your baby is born. You don’t want to be laid up with an infection at this time, or find your future fertility or health negatively impacted by postpartum complications down the road, either.

Full physical exams at your postpartum appointments let Dr. Longoria track your physical health and recovery at this pivotal time. Dr. Longoria keeps a careful eye on your physical health as you recover postpartum, and can recommend any needed support to ensure full healing.

Mental and emotional care

Giving birth doesn’t just stress your body. Your emotions and mental health can be taxed by the upheaval and hormonal changes around the end of your pregnancy. 

Dr. Longoria supports you as you adjust to new or new-again parenting roles, and screens for potential signs of mental health concerns like postpartum depression (PPD) that can become serious for you and your baby without the right care.

Dr. Longoria can recommend top-quality providers to address any potential mental health concerns you might have after the birth of your baby.

Help with your new baby

Caring for a new baby puts parents through the wringer. Are you getting the breastfeeding and lactation support you need? Dr. Longoria connects you with a network of health care experts, so both you and your baby can get all the assistance and treatment you need to thrive in the first days, weeks, and months postpartum.

Surgical follow-up care

If your delivery involves one or more surgical procedures, you need specialized follow-up care to ensure that your recovery is as quick and complete as possible, letting you get on to bonding with your new bundle of joy.

All in all, you can expect several postpartum appointments with Dr. Longoria to check in on various aspects of your physical and mental health. Your post-pregnancy care eventually transitions into regular gynecological care. You benefit from continuity in your personal health care, including pregnancy and gynecological support.

To learn more about pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, and post-pregnancy care with Longoria OBGYN, contact us online or over the phone today to schedule your consultation appointment.

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